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Welcome to
Year 5


Our class teacher is:

Miss Makin

General Information


Here you will find information about the curriculum and the exciting learning your children are experiencing. 

Class Pledge

As a class, we discussed the importance of being responsible for our learning and having a 'can do attitude' to our studies.


We have created 5 pledges to ensure we succeed.

  • To always give everything a go using a growth mindset.

  • To set ourselves learning goals each week and take responsibility for achieving them.

  • To read and complete our Reading Plus assignments each week.

  • To complete homework before the due date.

  • To use our online learning platforms regularly at home (Century Tech, Reading Plus, Bug Club, Purple Mash, TT Rockstars)

  • To always be kind and polite.

  • We would appreciate all the support you can give your child at home to make our learning journey through St John's as successful as possible

The children will have PE every Monday  afternoon and Thursday afternoons. Please ensure your child has the correct kit for these sessions. They will need a white t-shirt, a pair of navy blue shorts and some black school pumps.   Please ensure all PE kit is clearly labelled with their name.  Thank you.  

Please use the links below to access our Online Learning Platforms.

Log-in details for Bug Club and Numbots can be found on your child's Class Dojo portfolio.



We invite all parents to dive into our Curriculum, a unique educational journey designed to ignite your child's curiosity and passion for learning. Discover how we nurture creativity, critical thinking, and a lifelong love for knowledge, making every day an adventure in education. Your child's dreams start here!

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